Poseidon Undersea Resort in Fiji

Poseidon’s Mysterious Island is located in Fiji and comprises a 225 acre mile-long island surrounded by a pristine 5,000 acre lagoon.
And the reason behind all the excitement is that this is to be the site of the world’s first predominantly underwater resort. Poseidon’s Mysterious Island would appear to have an appropriate name for more than one reason too, as currently is still a mystery as to when the resort will actually be open. The developers claim that the resort will be able to deal with 7,200 reservations per year, and currently there is a list of 150,000 potential guests who have registered so they can be informed when bookings will finally be taken. It must be encouraging for the developers to know that the queue for enjoying the resort’s facilities is already so long, and this has spurred them on to look for additional sites for further resorts.

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