8 Functional Greenhouses Beside Your House [DIY]

It's a great bliss when having a little piece of land, and it would be more pleasing if got a greenhouse which is a very simple practical DIY idea to start planting.

DIY Greenhouse Ideas

If you have small land beside your home, greenhouse would be a great option for you, one benefit of greenhouses is that you have fresh plants and vegetables, another useful thin to mention is that it's a good source to stop saving plants in the refrigerator for short-life plants such as: mint and basil.

1. Plastic Bottle Greenhouse

8 Functional Greenhouses Beside Your House DIY 1
Image Sources: goodshomedesign , ana-white , nteastdevon , audaxdesign , globalideas
Tutorial Here: ana-white

2. A DIY Cold Frame Greenhouse

8 Functional Greenhouses Beside Your House DIY 2
Tutorial Here: ecofriend

3. Plastic Tent Greenhouse

8 Functional Greenhouses Beside Your House DIY 3
Image Source: diysolargreenhouses

4. A Greenhouse Made from Cattle Panel Pallets

8 Functional Greenhouses Beside Your House DIY 4
Tutorial Here: peakprosperity

5. Greenhouses Made from Old Windows/Frames

8 Functional Greenhouses Beside Your House DIY 5
Image Sources: pinterest , 3dayblinds 

6. Greenhouse Made From Glasses and Wood

8 Functional Greenhouses Beside Your House DIY 6
 Image Sources: pinterest.com

7. Combo Shed And Greenhouse

8 Functional Greenhouses Beside Your House DIY 7
  Image Sources: pinterest.com

8. Small Plants Greenhouse Project

8 Functional Greenhouses Beside Your House DIY 8
 Image Sources: pinterest.com

Architecture & Design: 8 Functional Greenhouses Beside Your House [DIY]

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source: amazinginteriordesign.com

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