10 Summer Kids Bedroom Decorating Ideas

10 summer ideas for decorating kids bedrooms

In the event of a desire to modify the decoration of the children's bedroom, the decoration engineer Adriana Haj guide in the following, without a huge budget for this purpose:
1. It is preferable to choose green beds for children's bedrooms, since the color mentioned contributes to growth. The blue vertebrae, in turn, have a pleasant sleep. One of these colors can be used, both in female and male bedrooms.
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2. Painting each wall of the children's bedrooms in a different color seems a lovely idea, provided that the colors are consistent, such as light green, lilac and syphilis in the girls 'bedrooms, blue, white and yellow in the boys' bedrooms.
3. If you want to give the child's room a narrow space and even fake, it is recommended to paint the walls with vertical lines by two different colors.
4. It is important to give up the idea of ​​decorating the walls with pictures and paintings of cartoon characters, because the child will be completed after a while, rather prefer to replace them with pictures and paintings of animals and kinds of sports favorite room of the room ... In the same context, The walls pierce images of smiling faces, because they give the occupant room a positive energy.
5. It is necessary to avoid decorating the walls or shelves inside the room with heavy pieces. Note that falling can cause child injury.
6. If the budget does not allow to change the color of the walls of this room, you can add some posters and color drawings, which can be found in libraries or in the shops of wallpaper, on the wood bed or cabinet.
7. Among the ideas also, change the lighting, and look for new and innovative forms of it.
8. Changing the bed cover is one of the obvious and easy to create a new atmosphere for children's bedrooms. But if you do not want to change the bed cover, it is preferable to put a piece of colored cloth on it if the color is uniform. If the bed cover is shiny, choose a uniform color cloth. The addition of multi-colored pillows is also beneficial, provided that they belong to the colors present in the decorations of the room.
9. It is preferable to remove the thick outer layer of the curtains, with only that transparent (voile).
10. Use of a small seat or extra sofa in this room, if the space allows.

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