20 Catchy Compact Kitchen Cabinet Pictures And Designs

Fascinating compact kitchen cabinets, pictures and designs
Compact Kitchen Cabinet
The space in which you sanitize and prepare food is reduced, is messy, hinders the movement of people and you do not know what to do to organize the environment? Using compact kitchen cabinet is a good solution to end these problems.
Modern real estate is getting smaller, especially in large cities, where the demand for homes is very high. In this way, newer homes and apartments have small kitchens, in which it is necessary to invest in decorative techniques that help make the space functional.

Among the options, investing in planned compact kitchen designs is one of the best alternatives. For that, you should use a furniture with measures appropriate to the available space, and something that can not miss is the compact closet.


The catalog of cabinet models for compact kitchen is quite comprehensive. Regarding the materials of manufacture, we have wood, which appears in the preference list of many people, always giving a lot of elegance to the kitchen, and MDF, which appears as a cheaper and good quality alternative.
Compact Kitchen Cabinet
Also noteworthy for steel cabinets, ideal for those looking for a different decoration, inspired by the industrial style, so in vogue today, and glass cabinets with their air of sophistication. Acrylic models are another high option on the market, combining with the most varied styles.

Regarding the tonality, the colored cabinets appear as a good request for those who have tired of the traditional white, as well as the gray and black. But if you're in doubt and do not want to dare too much, you'd prefer the neutral color versions that go with just about anything.
Compact Kitchen Cabinet
Regarding the design, the suspended cabinet is an indispensable model for the small size kitchens, because it allows to take advantage of the little space available, leaving the low areas free for circulation or for the installation of other furniture planned. Counter, paneleiro, tower and niches are other versions very practical for this environment.


One of the main benefits of compact kitchen cabinets is the aforementioned practicality, since the furniture has space to store food, pans, cups, cutlery, appliances and other common items in the kitchen, setting the mood.
Compact Kitchen Cabinet
In addition, there are other advantages of the small kitchen cabinet, such as:
  • Facilitates the integration with other spaces of the property, in case of kitchen combined;
  • Can be used in any kitchen as it is custom-made;
  • Allows you to use different finishes on the bottom and top, adding a modern look to the room;
  • Some models have many partitions in one piece, bringing great savings;
  • Depending on the model and the color, it contributes to increase the sensation of amplitude.


Still in doubt about which model to choose? We have separated some suggestions to match different decorating projects, which you check out in the following compact kitchen cabinet photos!
Compact Kitchen Cabinet

Compact Kitchen Cabinet

Compact Kitchen Cabinet

Compact Kitchen Cabinet

Compact Kitchen Cabinet

Compact Kitchen Cabinet

Compact Kitchen Cabinet

Compact Kitchen Cabinet

Compact Kitchen Cabinet

Compact Kitchen Cabinet

Compact Kitchen Cabinet

Compact Kitchen Cabinet

Compact Kitchen Cabinet

Compact Kitchen Cabinet

Compact Kitchen Cabinet

Compact Kitchen Cabinet

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