The Golden Bridge, Which Adheres To Giant Hands, Is A New Attraction In Vietnam

The Golden Bridge in Vietnam held by giant hands as construction columns forming new attractive architecture.
In the mountains above the Vietnamese city of Da Nang there is a bridge that no one will leave indifferent. 
The Golden Bridge Which Adheres To Giant Hands  Is A New Attraction In Vietnam
An unusual pedestrian bridge with a golden fence was opened in early June at the popular tourist site  Thien Thai Garden. It is located at an altitude of 1,400 meters above sea level, which is why it is barely visible from the foot of the mountain. The bridge is 150 meters long and divided into eight continents, each separating the giant stone sculpture in the form of a human hand .
Giant hands are made with rustic technique, so they seem to be dating from an old age.
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Interesting are the elegant details that adorn almost every meter of this building. For example, its entire length is planted with purple flowers that work very effectively alongside the golden bridge of the bridge. Also, the giant hands themselves are made with rustic technique, so they seem to be dating from an old age .
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According to the magazine The Spaces , this bridge represents only a part of a large $ 2 billion project designed to attract as many visitors as possible to the tourist region Ba Na.
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Although the original bridge designer is no longer related to the project, nor is the ultimate solution completed by the final design, it is known that the architectural bureau TA Landscape Architecture was in charge of the final rendering works .
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From France to today

The Ba Tourist Resort was founded by French colonizers in 1919. The resort is located near Da Nanga and it once counted some 200 luxury villas, of which only a few are preserved today. Here are some other tourist attractions like the moon park and the small French village with cobbled streets.
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See how the bridge looks:

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Source and Photos: News Examiner

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