8 Tricks To Increase The Brightness Of Light At Home

Interior4Design introduce you a guide of how to increase the brightness at home with simple steps.
increase brightness at home
Proper lighting is an important condition for comfort at home, and a set of conditions and principles must be applied to this end.
To increase the brightness of the light in the house, Elle decor offers a range of simple tricks and modifications that can be made to the decor:
1 - Install many mirrors on the walls of the house, which helps to reflect a greater amount of light.
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2 - Use transparent curtains that help to pass the largest amount of external light to the inside.
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3 - Add metal decorations, they work similar to mirrors in dimmable.
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Remove any external obstructions that can prevent light from entering the house such as trees.
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5 - Clean the windows continuously, to allow the sunlight to pass into the interior.
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6 - Floor-to-ceiling windows are ideal for increasing the amount of natural light in your home.
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7 - Use neutral colors such as white to increase the glow of lighting.
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8 - the use of hard surfaces such as glass tables that reflect more light at home.
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